Nicki Minaj amezungumza na kituo cha radio Hot 97 cha Marekani Jumatatu (August 4) na kuelezea jinsi Beyonce alivyomtafuta na kumuomba amshirikishe katika ‘Flawless Remix’.

Minaj amesema kuwa alipigiwa simu na kupewa taarifa kuwa Beyonce anataka kumshirikisha kwenye ‘Flawless Remix’ kama mwezi mmoja au miwili iliyopita, na baadae akamtumia wimbo na kumsisitiza afunguke bila kuogopa, na kweli tumeona amefunguka kiasi mpaka Lil Kim kashindwa kuvumilia na kujibu.
Haya ndio maelezo ya Minaj jinsi ilivyokuwa:
“A month or two ago, Gee [Roberson] called me when I was on my way to Vegas and said, ‘BeyoncĂ© wants you to remix to ‘Flawless. She sent me a version that she wanted. She told me, ‘I want you to be you. I don’t want you to hold back. I said, ‘You sure?’
She said, ‘Yeah. I want you to be you and do you. I was actually in New York writing the verse. I recorded the verse in New York and she stopped by the studio. She was such a sweetheart. She was hyping me up, ‘Do your thing. Don’t hold back. Go in.’ I was like, ‘Okay. Alright.”
Minaj amesema kuwa alipigiwa simu na kupewa taarifa kuwa Beyonce anataka kumshirikisha kwenye ‘Flawless Remix’ kama mwezi mmoja au miwili iliyopita, na baadae akamtumia wimbo na kumsisitiza afunguke bila kuogopa, na kweli tumeona amefunguka kiasi mpaka Lil Kim kashindwa kuvumilia na kujibu.
Haya ndio maelezo ya Minaj jinsi ilivyokuwa:
“A month or two ago, Gee [Roberson] called me when I was on my way to Vegas and said, ‘BeyoncĂ© wants you to remix to ‘Flawless. She sent me a version that she wanted. She told me, ‘I want you to be you. I don’t want you to hold back. I said, ‘You sure?’
She said, ‘Yeah. I want you to be you and do you. I was actually in New York writing the verse. I recorded the verse in New York and she stopped by the studio. She was such a sweetheart. She was hyping me up, ‘Do your thing. Don’t hold back. Go in.’ I was like, ‘Okay. Alright.”
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